Final project

In addition to the second project proposal, I have examined the key issues existing in the current wearable technology. I found that big companies such as Fitbit has set some sorts of rules despite no regulation or policies the government has set for wearable devices. Here is the commitment from Fitbit's R&D team:
“Consumer-facing entities that collect health data about individuals must consider privacy and security in all aspects of development and deployment of their products. R&D is not just to create revenue or test boundaries, but also to establish a company’s reputation as both an innovator and trusted institution.” (Insights from Fitbit’s R&D Team)
Using data to develop a better product is the key to Fitbit's. Fitbit has different policies for data protection based on the projects. For hack project, Fitbit will normally finish them in less than twelve hours with users' data compared with two to three years in a real project. After the goal of the data use is set, depending on different types of studies, researchers would have access to data to different extent. In the pilot studies, data mostly consists of the researchers own information. Therefore, the data is not anonymized and one of the researchers could view it. On other hand, the data is highly sensitive in the user studies, thus, even the lead researchers would not have access to it easily.
It is certainly not much we can do to protect our privacy except put in trust to the wearable brands we choose. In the modern world, everything or everyone can be googled because we are relying so heavily on the internet. In my opinion, if people are using privacy data in a meaningful way, I would not oppose them to use my data, however, I would be careful what I post or say on the social media.


  1. Hey Linjie,

    Great post, I had no idea that Fitbit was setting their own regulations where they didn't need to. It's incredible that companies like Fitbit and Apple are so focused on consumer health privacy, when so many other companies (Google, Amazon) are ready to sell off that data and use it for personal gain. Fitbit could sell their data easily and probably be more profitable because of it, but choose the moral and ethical high ground.

    I would love to know if there was anything specific that prompted this change, maybe an interview with the CEO explaining his decisions. Further, I'd like to know exactly how Fitbit handles data, and maybe what encryptions or data storage methods they use (if that information is publicly available).

    1. Here is the link to the paper, and here is a link to the privacy debate held at the Fox in the Fall of 2016. They discuss the paper and other privacy concerns.

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